Finding a tribe.
Joe, an Army Infantry Staff Sergeant, gets his DD214 and drives across the country to start a job as a graphic designer, a skill he perfected by drawing in porta potties across multiple combat zones.
Fresh out of the military and never having had a civilian job, Joe hilariously finds himself on a quest for the two things that every military veteran searches for when they get out: Tribe and Purpose, as well as the one thing every human seeks: Love.
He also shoots a guy in the junk. But let’s not get ahead of ourselves…
About Office Joe
Set in current day Chapel Hill, NC, a busy college town buzzing with small businesses, Gasoline Dog Media is one of those small businesses trying to make it alongside competitors and allies alike. A marketing company dreamed up by owner and CEO Karen Underhill, Gasoline Dog is still learning to find its place. Like its owner, it’s a little bit awkward and geeky, but easy to love.